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Old 01-02-2010, 02:48 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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I was having some issues recently with my Duncans as well. They got knocked off their ledge and landed on one of my rics, which I didn't find until I got home from work. I didn't think a ric could hurt a Duncan... I thought wrong. Let's just say the Duncans were ****ed...

It might be the epoxy, though the carbon in your phosban would probably take care of any chemical issues. Them being unhappy is probably from being bounced around recently; plus you'd probably see other corals reacting to the epoxy as well if it were the case.

Give them a few days to recover. They are pretty hardy and can take fair amount of abuse so they really just need time. I found that moving mine to a lower flow area encouraged the polyps to extend more when they did poke out and they were less likely to retreat. If you can entice them out, feed them. Mine bounced beack really quick with a little spot feeding. Bare in mind that is has only been there a week, I found mine took a couple weeks until it was really happy.
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