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Old 12-20-2009, 05:48 PM
Beza Beza is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 24
Beza is on a distinguished road
Default TSN turning point

SO things have taken a turn for the worse with this project...

By "turn for the worse", I of course mean "turn towards the expensive".

I am now undertaking a deal to obtain a 90 gal reef tank from some really friendly people! The bad side of this is that I paid for a 75gal freshwater tank, complete with cichlids, which I probably won't use! The tank just sits there, mocking me. The cichlids seem concerned, but not overly. I'm pretty sure that they realize that whatever happens, they'll be fine.

But back to the SW dreams...

In recent news, I obtained what apparently is a fairly decent, albeit overdone, skimmer. This thing came complete with some loc-line, and a PCX-40 pump. The random guy down at Big Al's tells me that it is a Beckett-style skimmer. To this, my reply was "Ok. Huh? Duh. Seems scientific enough."

Any info on this stuff, or even tips on rigging it up, would be appreciated. I used to be a plumber, so at least I know that fish-**** rolls downhill, and payday for everyone else is anytime I walk into a reef store.

Oh, and here is what I am getting (sorry, I took these with my cellphone):

Hopefully I can do it justice. Plans right now include getting rid of everything in the 75 gal, including the stand, then using it as a sump with perhaps a partition for a refugium or isolation tank. The 90 gal looks amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it, but I need to have everything else set up, and the owners are nice enough to wait for me... how awesome is that?

Any thoughts? I'd love some suggestions. Especially as far as looping everything through that pump, if it was possible (except the isolation tank, of course).
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