Thread: brown algea
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Old 12-08-2009, 12:26 AM
blake374 blake374 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kamloops
Posts: 30
blake374 is on a distinguished road

A picture of your algea problem would really help.

It sounds like your have some sort of problem algea or diatoms. I am betting that there is a high level of nutrients in your water which are feeding the algea. Water changes will make your water quality better, but they will not cure the source of water quality issue. I wouldn't waste money and time doing so many water changes.

There are many things you can do to. If you want to do some reaserch and reading, I would google "green hair algea" or "algea" because there is so much material out there on that, and it likely has the same cause as your brown algea.

The main thing you want to focus on is getting rid of nutrients from your water ie, nitrates and phosphates and making sure they don't come back. There is many things you can do to achieve this.

Have less fish and feed just enough to keep fish alive.

The fastest fix is to run a phosban reactor with GFO like rowaphos in it.

Grow some sort of macro algae like cheto

You could look into a good protein skimmer to remove stuff frome water before it adds nutriens.

Really good flow keeps crap from settling.

Don't use bio media or canister filters.

All these are a really good start. Good luck!
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