Thread: New tank info
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Old 11-29-2009, 04:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Once the cycle and curing of the rock is done you don't have much of a smell. My kids smell the salt water smell, once in a while but normally no smell at all. If you are using a very good skimmer don't open the lid till you are in the washroom with the fan on it is really smelly. I am telling you my girls the first couple of times had to ask who had a dump in the washroom and didn't turn on the fan. Funny thing the fan was on, I had opened the lid on the skimmer cup before I got to the washroom. Larger tanks seem to take less maintenance than smaller tanks. With a lid on the tank you will have substantially less evaporation and that means allot less humidity in the house. I have made a 2/3 acrylic lid for my tank and have noticed that I have to top up way less. I still get allot of air flow over the water but the evaporating water settles on the acrylic top and condenses and then drips back in the tank.

By the way for those of you that has excess moisture in your house turn off the humidifier on your Furness this will help a bit I run my furness blower 24/7 and thank god we heat with wood as it draws the excess moisture out and dries the air.


Last edited by bvlester; 11-29-2009 at 04:24 AM.
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