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Old 11-28-2009, 06:46 AM
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rjengen rjengen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Grande Prairie
Posts: 97
rjengen is on a distinguished road

Ah they joys of the hobby...Got stuck working in Edmonton for the last couple of day, and I headed home today finally to go see the family. Of course I had to go shopping around town before I left though...

I picked up 90lbs of live rock off a fellow CanReef'er and finally got to go through it tonight and take a good look at it. Got a steal of a deal, and a good head start now on that. Picked up a RO/DI unit at Blue World and also snagged a bit of Ken's sand to seed. I have the RO/DI set up and I'm going to purge it over night and see if I can't get it to settle down a little. Ah, also picked up 120lbs of Carbisea.

I have figured out the set up for my closed loop, but since it's so friggen close to christmas, I decided to just send my wife the link. I'm tough at the best of times to shop for, so hopefully she will take the hint, and there will be oceans motions 2way squirt for me christmas morning, along with some omni flex nozzles. Until santa decides to make that appear though, I'm planning on just using some PVC plumbed into the PS4 pump to move water...after all, I plan to cycle for a good 6 weeks. I was going to attempt some D.I.Y. cement and coat a 1.5" Y fitting for the suction end of the closed loop...but I then got smart (I think) and ended up coating that said "Y" with reef epoxy and placing some rubble I had from when I was down picking up the tank. Not sure I totally like it, but I'll decide more on that once I get the rock in.

Finished plumbing the herbi tonight...and was just about to fill the tank and sump with water / viniger when Noob Mistake #1 of the thread took place. Was working on the bulkhead on the overflow and dropped my pipe wrench accidentally and it took a bad bounce and decided to make a break for it. Needless to say, I will be building a new sump in the morning, not even going to try and fix this boo-boo. I think it was a stroke of luck though, because I now have a reason to re-design things, and build in a fuge to the sump...costly little mistake though, but stuff happens like that right? I will post picture in the morning.
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