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Old 11-21-2009, 04:49 AM
Abbyreefer Abbyreefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: abbotsford, B.C
Posts: 134
Abbyreefer is on a distinguished road
Default holy 9 lives !!!

Not sure how long a fish can live out of water or how many lives they have but my 1 year or clown fish jumped out of the tank sometime while I was watching TV downstairs. Came upstairs to see him laying on the floor almost completely dry and not breathing. My first instinct was to dump him back into the tank even though a part of me was like I dont think this will help. 2 seconds later he moved ever so slightly and was blown around by the current in the tank. I thought for sure he was a gonner. 20 seconds or so after putting him in he was breathing really rapidly and still blowing around in the current. He then tucked behind some rocks and about 10 minutes later was swimming in the tank like nothing even happened. Perfectly fine swimming into the current like he usually does . Amazing ! After being almost totally dry. If he had 9 lives I think he borrrowed a few from some of the other tank mates.
Anyways just wanted to share that and see if anyone knows how long a fish can actually be out of water ?
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