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Old 11-18-2009, 12:15 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 1,319
wickedfrags is on a distinguished road

Thanks for canreef staff for contacting me about this thread.

Janne - as I did not have to ship your corals (yet you still received them out there in BC), I will send you $50 as they did not go right to your door. While the original plan was to send you another shipment, I currently do not have the time. Can I send you the money via your email address?

Simon - I returned your money via paypal to the email address it was sent from, I sent it today and it should already be there. That aussie SPS shipment was just aweful, sorry I could not hook you up with some nice stuff. Again, while it would be easier to send you some frags from my personal system as requested, just can not get to that right now unfortunately.

For other who read along or posted, my intent was to be back online and selling some wicked frags in September, then October and then November, however this simply has not taken place. To many other things on the go.

As most of you are aware, I only sponsor this board and generally speaking sell frags from my rather large personal system. While I took the time to develop a website, other priorities have since taken precedence. While a "business" my profits barely if at all cover the cost of site sponsorship and I have not updated the website in almost a business is no different than anyone with a 6' tank and a frag tank...except that I have some really wicked frags available from time to time.

All that being said, I hope to be online more yet within another month....outstanding items should now be addressed given the small number of orders I have sent out!

I will post here when I am again in a position to start shipping again - sorry for not getting to your PM's and emails. Hope your tanks are doing well. Where time permits I will try and contribute to the board, I just wont be shipping frags for a while longer. Dave
I'm out.