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Old 11-14-2009, 08:49 PM
wolf_bluejay wolf_bluejay is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 84
wolf_bluejay is on a distinguished road
Default Don't be afraid of less pay

The one thing that I think that should REALLY be noticed is that nobody that took a pay cut seems to regret it. I am in this category as well.
I once was a "rig-pig" and I just couldn't do it anymore (I was starting a family). So I went back to school and finally followed what I wanted to do, computing, rather than what paid well. I make less than half of what I used to, and I don't EVER regret it.
As I've gotten older the truth of doing what you love regardless of money is true. I don't get all that great of pay -- but it's enough. The big one for me is the "other" benefits that most people miss. I work 8-4 mon-fri every day. I know what my work schedule will be years ahead of time. (really -- years). I don't ever have to do overtime, work weekends, I get lots of sick time, and get to take vacation time rather than just take the pay and keep on working.

On the other hand -- you don't have to chance quickly. There is lots of options for getting education without going to school full time. My wife works in Post secondary distance education. You can get a degree, diploma, etc by one of the many universities. (Athabasca, TRU). Many provide enough tax deductions that it cost almost zero, or even a profit after taxes. Don't quit your job to follow your dream, plan it out.
Figure out what you "want" to do, figure out if you can live on what it pays, and what you need to get the job/career. Then do it.

I went from reat money with no life. To enough money and having a life/hobbies/family/vacations etc. As many others that posted here, I haven't regretted it for a second.
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