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Old 11-09-2009, 02:46 AM
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K so since you guys are ripping apart my posts. well let me start while my controller charges.

Josh this is what I think of that site you posted

"Josh111: PC Question... What will the max amount of players per map be for PC multiplayer on

Vince-IW: 9v9"

More than what I play. Even on ground war which is 8Vs8 on playstation the place is crawling with guys. only reason i play this is for big kills when trying to complete a gun. In hardcore your health is reduced, no map unless a UAV has been supplied and there is nothing on your screen to tell you if you need to reload or how much ammo you have left. This is why i like smaller games when i want to have fun, its not just blasting and everything that moves. You have to watch your corners for claymores and campers. 6Vs6 is more than enough for any map in Cod4 MW. Cod5 on the other hand introduced some larger maps where this could be fun, but this isn't world war style where you have a whole battalion going into battle.

"Q: Is there a console in the PC version of the game, so we can change our field of view from the xbox's default 65 FOV to 80 also can we tweaks the weapon damage for each gun, removes perks, graphical debris, breathing sway, also thru console like we where able to before or is this all gone?

Vince-IW: We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it."

Challange yourself. Maps should only show corners and depending on your settings (if your usings a silencer/uav jammer) you won't appear on the map and not have to worry about people knowing where you are. If you don't have these perks, well tough ****, make due. Teaking weapons is already there, pending your add on depends on whats going to happen. for example:

Silencer- barely any noise, won't show up on the map but your giving up damage and distance
Red dot- best for aiming and not giving up full viewing
ACOG- great on rifles for long distance shots, giving up 60% of your viewing and allowing enemies to sneak up on you.

Each perks are set in different groups so that you can't create the ultimate set up. Once again challanging yourself. This is what IW wants out of the game. i have no issue with it.

"DudezTY: Since we cannot kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?

Mackey-IW: Our goal is to ban hackers from the game"

I do disagree with this. Its easier to hack on a comp compared to a console. If the Host had the power to kick hackers that would be good.

"kaRMa: Please give me a direct answer. On the PC version. Are all games hosted by players, and is there a five-second delay when host migration is in effect?

Vince-IW: yes"

Already answered this, boo hoo. live with it. PS3 does it and it works awesome.

"Moriarte: Ignoring, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?

Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings"

Once again, live with it. what more do you actually need that any of the consoles has to offer.

"If you can't stay alive on a 32v32 server, maybe you should go back to the sandbox"

Thats it josh, tomorrow i am making you play hardcore and if you can stay alive playing 32vs32 lets see you stay alive 8vs8 HA HA HA. yes that was a evil laugh. and yes i will be playing MW2 on the 50 till god knows what time tuesday morning.

Jmes I don't know. Sorry for making assumptions on your level of playing but hey at this point with you, to each their own.

K so this is my last post birkering with you guys. But I am a big time COD player, its all i play. I enjoy it and you can enjoy it on whatever console or computer you want to. I know for a fact that IW has pulled together a killer online play for this game. They did a good job on Cod4 and they have had a while to perfect this one.
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