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Old 11-01-2009, 01:56 AM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
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Location: Kamloops, BC
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
The facts have been stated over and over, there is no point in doing so again. There comes a point where politely engaging in reasoned debate becomes self defeating because it legitimizes asinine points of view. In a case where nothing is at stake there may be no consequences but this is a matter of public health. Lending any credibility to this garbage is a huge mistake and trying to refute it reasonably does that.

If it impacts the health of my family I will attack your character, your beliefs and whatever else I get a clean shot at. Wear a cup.
sigh.... again, wow, no facts, just attacking character and beliefs. how trollish.
seriously look at this thread where are these "facts" that "have been stated over and over again"?
the only real facts i see is GSK's own product info sheet....
where are these studies saying this vaccine is 100% safe?
where are the reports saying this vaccine is 100% tested?
where is the study that the vaccine is even worth while compared to other measures?
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