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Old 10-31-2009, 07:56 PM
marknash marknash is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
if you up the temp slowly it will slow the spread but if it is not terrible just pay attention to it if it gets worse you will wanna do something about it but for now with your resources a good way to treat is feed good quality food it is a good practice to soak/ unthaw food highly recommend pe mysis as it is canadian food and high in protein in garlic extreme or garlic guard and a multi vitamin this boosts the immune system i learned the hard way of the ich outbreak not having a qt tank now i do but remember ich is a cycle and now it is in the tank it will look like you beat it and at around the four week mark it will hit again. having good water quality also helps the fish. you should be safe i would not add any more fish to the tank. another thought is a cleaner shrimp helps clean the fish or a coral banded will eat parasite off the fish could also get a neon goby or cleaner wrase but also can get ich and unless they are eating frozen will likely parish just keep an eye on it

good luck Wes
we do feed our fish pe mysis, will get some garlic and a multi vit..
we have a fire shrimp and a peppermint shrimp... how many cleaner shrimp should we get?
thanks!! ashley
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