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Old 10-09-2009, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Tyler Werbowski View Post
I have a 120 G tank. I have a yellow tang and really love that the fact it is always grazing on what little algae it can find on my rocks. It seems really natural to watch and is benefical in algae management.
My wife really loves Regal tangs but after researching it seems they are more carnivourous.
I want to add another tang from a different tang family. What other tangs are primarily algae grazers and constantly searching the rock for algae.
Regal tangs require meaty foods although they eat algae as well.

If you have a 6 foot tank, the powder brown tang is a great choice.
It is A. japonicus. They are often mislabeled (it is the one with orange on it).
Make sure you get a plump tang with no spots, redness or tears. Clear eyes, alert just as interested in you as you are in it.
Feed garlic soaked foods as ich is a concern.
Your tangs should be fed nori, or, spirulina tabs (check the brand to see that spirulina is the first ingredient.)
Good Luck
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