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Old 10-08-2009, 10:35 PM
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naesco naesco is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
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1.Do I have to check for nitrate as well before I add the cleanup crew?
2.How many would you recommend and what kind?
3.Didn’t buy any power heads yet, any suggestions? Would 1 Maxi-Jet 600 with Sure Flow 1600 mod be sufficient or should I get 2?
4.Do you recommend me to take the each live rock and scrub them with a plastic brush or just leave them alone?
5. Oh, I also added Kent Marine Purple Tech – 3ml each time advised by LFS and did it 3 times. I think I should stop adding this until after the cycling is complete, correct?
6.Any suggestions for what type of corals should I keep, easy to keep?

1. No
2. Do not add any hermit crabs. They are carnivorses. Add two or three small snails (not bumblebee as they are carnivores. Add them after the tank cycles.
3. No recommendations
4. Leave the rock alone. It will sprout lots of life that you want to keep in your tank. Observe the changes daily and in the evening when the lights are out.
5. Stop adding it. Any additives are a waste of money until your future tests tell you what you need after you have added coral.
6. Mushrooms are the easiest. Tiny frags of LPS. polyps and zoas.
Do not add any fish until a month after your tank cycles and add only one fish per month as your tank is small.
Look at to see easy fish for the size of your tank and ask here before you buy.
Success depends on going really slow. Remember LFS are in the business of selling fish coral, and, lots of stuff you don't need.
Good luck

Last edited by naesco; 10-09-2009 at 12:00 AM.
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