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Old 09-28-2009, 11:09 PM
Whiskey Whiskey is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Mission, BC
Posts: 20
Whiskey is on a distinguished road

I have an orange spot goby with a pistol shrimp. They paired up almost immediately and are easily the most interesting animals in my tank. The goby gets along really well with most of the fish in my tank, the only time he really gets agitated is if I put my hand in the tank (he hides) or if my scooter blenny comes around (awesome display behavior).

I set up my tank (65 gallon, custom breeder) with these animals in mind. I created a cove in the area where I wanted to have them set up house then ensured that there was sufficient substrate of multiple grades that I hoped they'd enjoy.I tried to make sure that all my rocks were stable on the bottom glass of the tank before I added sand so that the shrimp/goby wouldn't get crushed as the shrimp excavated his burrow. I also created a jawfish/goby home using 3/4 inch PVC sunk under my rockwork (they moved out of the PVC after ~week).

The pistol shrimp moves a stunning amount of gravel. Huge mounds are created within hours of his shifting his home; too much sugar-sized crushed coral results in mini sand-storms blowing through my tank but it's totally worth it. Next time I wont put the fine stuff in my tank.

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