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Old 09-19-2009, 03:05 PM
areefdream areefdream is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: nelson, bc
Posts: 39
areefdream is on a distinguished road
Default new set up, help...please.

What I have is a dream. I am building a house in Nelson, BC and moving my cramped 33g reef tank. What I need is a design. I am still in the electrical and plumbing rough in stage of the house and was hoping for a tank system design soon so I can start planning. Most likely a four foot tank but I have room for six, with a sump (filter, skimmer, refug, auto water top off, and good circulation in the tank, maybe a closeed loop system. The problem is right now everything is piggybacked on my small tank and the thought of designing a new system seems crazy. I would greatly appreciate the help and if you are in the area drop a line. P.s. pictures help
65g reef tank
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