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Old 09-19-2009, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I would strongly advise you not to put your friends tang in your tank.
The risk is simply too great. You have had problems in the past and you do not want to go through that again.

You need to speak to her as to why she is buying fish before her tank is even cycled.
The unicorn grows far to large for the tank she is planning anyway.
Also, the problem with larger naso tang species, like angels is that they often simply refuse to eat and therefor should never be purchased.

You need to get her on this board seeking advice before she makes more mistakes.

Have her remove the fish and return it to the LFS.

You can try garlic extreme soaked nori. The garlic sometimes acts as a appetite enhancer.
FYI her friend is Lee aka Bulletsworld and she's been on this board for a long time and knows what she's doing. Lee has set up a 230g tank and she used mature LR but for some reason it's taking awhile to cycle. She bought the unicorn tang from someone on this board who was shutting down his tank, and that is why she bought it before her tank was fully ready. The tang was eating in the person's tank who she bought it from. Since the move to Diana's 90g holding tank, the tang ate at first but now is not eating. Possibly due to stress from being in a small tank (which was why Diana was considering moving it into her display) but it's hard to say for sure.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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