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Old 09-18-2009, 01:15 AM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Default realy making it hard to buy local (as in Canada)

Well, I am thinking of getting a system running in the next while.. not going to do the monster that I was originaly planning, common sence prevaled , but instead a large nano or somthing up to say 55 gal.

I was curious avout the JBJ 28gal HQI, so I did some searching.. I found a store in Victoria that sells it for just under 800.00, but in the US I found it at a couple places for 400.00 and change, and one even mentioned shipping to Canada for 200.00 so that comes to 600.00 US which right now would be about 660 to 700. so I save almost 100.00 bucks ordering it from the US and that is with 200 in shipping.. what a rip off to buy it in canada as that price is befor shipping.. I know I have been doing this for a long time and I have seen this befor, but it still amazes me how much our canadian retailers are ripping us off on things once and a while.

Sorry just needed to vent

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