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Old 09-11-2009, 06:14 PM
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imisky imisky is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Eeep! Great photo though! I had a recent dash with RBs. They only affected one frag though, so I just ran the frag under tap water for about 2-3 minutes. I didn't have any Interceptor on hand at the time. I figured it would kill the frag, but I also figured that one frag isn't worth the risk of the RBs spreading! Surprisingly the frag made it and is starting to color back up. Who said Acros weren't tough?

I'm confused though...are there RBs and AEFWs? Or you just thought the AEFW eggs were RBs until you looked closer?
there are both AEFW and RB, when i first saw the eggs i thought AEFW but i didnt spot any, and the marking on the corals looked like they were bite marks from AEFWs so i was thinking there was some but wasnt 100% sure until i checked when the lights went out. Then i went on the internet to find what RB eggs looked like and found surprisingly they dont lay eggs but instead like shrimps they carry them until hatched. Then i went to melvesreef to see what hi AEFW eggs look like and what do you know his AEFW picture looks just like mine

when i initially turned off the flow with the lights on all i could see were the RBs crawling about the corals staring me in the eye haha but what they didnt know was i had interceptor on hand ... now the AEFW dont come out until the lights go out and are a little bit of a different story when it comes to treatment and its a hell alot more work then RB, they require betadine (fluke tablets) for them to let go of the coral (pretty much get stunned) and even then they are STILL ALIVE!! annoying buggers the only way to get rid of them good is to quarantine all the SPS in a tank and dose betadine into the tank or a container and dip the corals turkey bast the coral in the dipping container to hell and hope u got all the AEFWs off

They only affected one frag though
most likely if they were on one frag they had already repopulated enough to have some on others which would be hard to see as they dont do much damage until they become plague sizes. grab a few tabs of interceptor and kill them!

Last edited by imisky; 09-11-2009 at 06:20 PM.
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