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Old 09-03-2009, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
What about the reptile keepers that keep venemous snakes as pets? Mot my thing but everyone gets their own joys out of the hobby. Most people probably wont have a tank big enough for one of these but who am I, or you to tell somone what they can and cant have in their tank?
There will always be two camps (and a few that fall between): those who keep their pets responsibly and those who fail at life. I know a few venomous snake keepers and they are VERY aware of what they are keeping and take all the necessary steps to keep them properly and to keep unwanted visitors (like kids and cats) away from the snakes. We all know the kind of people that fall into the second group. same thing applies to these sharks. There is a certain ballpark minimum tank size and certain special considerations/measures to take to care for these properly. Very few are qualified to be certain, but most people who are attracted and actually buy into this sort of thing are not qualified at all. I will judge those who are unprepared and/or unqualified harshly because it casts a bad light on all of us, including the responsible aquarists. That's exactly why it's now illegal to keep venomous snakes in British Columbia.

note: I keep a cornsnake and do not consider myself qualified to keep venomous snakes (or sharks for that matter) though I do think they are fascinating animals.
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