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Old 08-17-2009, 11:50 PM
seanoman seanoman is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chilliwack
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seanoman is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Oceanic View Post
Couple of questions......

- Are you using Zeovit or any other Ultra Low nutrient systems ie Vodka, prodibio, Fauna Marin?

- How much carbon and what kind are you using?

- Is your make up water ZERO TDS

- Do you run a CA reactor?

- Have you checked your Potassium levels yet?

- What is your basline PH? Does it drop too low at night?

- Refugium?

- what are your daily temp swings? Whats your baseline temp?

- What Salt are you using?

- Does your fish room have good ventilation to outside air?

Until I get some answers I would start by saying that your MG is too low, I run mine at about 1400+. Your ALK is low especially in contrast to your low MG levels and High CA level. Your Specific gravity is good and not to worry about.
Hey Ian thanks for the reply to answer your questions,

- no
- I run a phosban reactor full of carbon (marineland is the brand)
- RO/DI water is reading 0 TDS
- yes i have a calcium reactor
- haven't checked potassium
- ph seems to be right in line when i test, haven't done day and night comparison though
- no refugium
- temp at night gets to 78 and then about 81 throughout the day
- seachem salt
- yes i have two fans that run for ventilation in my fish room. One just for the lighting canopy and the other for the rooms humidity
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