Thread: RuralReef 2.1
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Old 08-17-2009, 04:51 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
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BlueAbyss is on a distinguished road

Thanks man, I'm renaming this project since it doesn't look too Ghetto anymore. Needs something more appropriate.

Which zoas are you talking about, the small brown ones with the red ring on the purple rock? Or the large pink streaked ones (that I thought were actually Palys, but the polyps aren't connected)? Those pink ones are probably going to be amazing in a month or so, I'm not sure about the brown ones (though there are some tentacley green ones near the top of that rock that will look pretty cool once colored up), they might actually be brown. Time will tell, I'm really happy with it right now and it can only get better, right?

I keep thinking I need to take my rocks out and scrub them, but I like the turf covering the rocks, it means the rocks are soft and won't damage fishes, and it is helping to make the Hector's Goby fat. I've noticed that the Purple Firefish looks full all the time also, even hours after feeding time... I think he may be eating free floating pods, as he seems to be picking them off the glass as well. The firefish has staked a territory under the arch from 'Phase One' (as I'm calling the original rockscape), which allows him access to the overhang on the left hand side of the large rock from that scape. He gets pushy with the goby at the front entrance, but is otherwise unaggressive (except for some occasional posturing). Brain coral ate a bunch again today but might be bleaching a little, I'll be keeping an eye on the 'bleached spots' to see for sure... In the mean time, here's a pic for you Canuck (since you like the open brain ...

Mmm tentacles
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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