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Old 07-15-2009, 06:32 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Mississauga
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Hey Canreef.

Sorry for the extended absence. I did sell my house (2x's actually)....however I could not get the house I wanted so I am staying put for the time being. For sale sign is no longer on the lawn.

In my absence, well the tank has grown out really nicely! Yesterday I transfered all my zoas/palys and LPS to a separate system leaving the main display all SPS. Looking a little bit wicked - will have to get some pictures.

In fact, yesterday was the first time to the LFS in about 3 months.

As some of of you may recall, I traditionally have a July 1 anniversary. I will put some pieces up on canreef to support 2 orders (I only have a couple shipping containers and a couple heat packs left right now).

Hope all is well here, I will be spending more time online now.

In fact, met someone at the gym today at work who also has a 270G 3-sided starphire tank..........what are the odds of THAT???
I'm out.