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Old 07-15-2009, 03:59 AM
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lorenz0 lorenz0 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
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lorenz0 is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the advice guys. for sure am looking into some chromis and a royal gamma. So i am going to hunt some of those down on the weekend

as for wrasses, i just can't find the right one. i did have a 6 line wrasse-hole but for some odd reason he is MIA and i can't find a body. I don't have a lid over the tank and the watchmen's has been in 3 tanks in a year (10, 20, 60gal) and has never jumped on me. I also have a bi-color blenny but he likes going into the sump all the time so fishing he out is a bi-monthly thing for me. And for the tang, i know about his size, i never saw a grown one till a month after i picked it up and thats when it hit me that in a few months a new home will be needed.

I am still on the search for a smaller tomato for mine can pair up.
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