Thread: Ich Treatment
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Old 05-31-2009, 05:35 PM
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You could try keeping them in one of the large rectangular rubbermaid containers (to make it easier to catch them) with a seeded sponge filter and airator. I had to go through ich recently with my tang, but did not want copper in my qt tank, so I put him in a 5 gal. bucket for dips with an airator, heater and premixed/heated/airated water with 20 drops of copper treatment (I forget if it was aquarisol or cupramine) for 20 min x about 4 days (sometimes on the second day). Then he went back into the qt tank with melafix and antibiotics (he was injured so that's why) and a 50% water change every 2nd day. This got rid of the ich spots for me within a week, but the tang still had to be kept in a separate qt due to his injuries and the fact that ich takes a while to die off. Don't know if this is "right" but it worked for me anyway...

Last edited by sharuq1; 05-31-2009 at 10:37 PM.
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