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Old 05-23-2009, 03:56 PM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Brandon
Posts: 180
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Looking good!.....just a heads up.....bumblebee snails arent reef-safe....they are predatory to other snails....dont know why lfs sell them as reef-safe?
Uh-oh.. Will they go after the turbo snails (who are twice their size)? I was under the impression that they ate detritus from the sandbed when I bought them, though I heard afterwards that they went for worms and things like that, but not about the snails. Maybe I should evict them before they get too hungry i.e. while I still have all three zebra turbo snails?

I'm only FOWLR at the moment, but I plan to go reef when I upgrade - yes, only running for 5 months with a few fish, and I'm already sort of planning my upgrade (won't happen for a good while though)! This hobby is addictive - they should have warning stickers on all the tanks so you know before you buy one...
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