Thread: Geothermal
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Old 05-21-2009, 05:23 AM
wolf_bluejay wolf_bluejay is offline
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Location: Kamloops, BC
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Default I priced it out once.

I while back I priced out the cost and the rebate stuff. In the end, the most cost effective was an air exchange heat pump. Last year in kamloops the furnace ran for about 1 week just at night, the rest of the time the heat pump ran everything.

The cost of installing the geo- system was about 20K, and I got a 95% furnace and heat pump (after grants) for about 5K. My annual heat bill is not at about $180, so the pay back is only a few years (and the furance and air-con were dead anyways).
The payback on geo-thermal is like 20 years. If you have to go vertical for the lines the cost go way up.

At my "other" property though it is an option because I have 2 choices. In the back acre we are filling in about 8 ft of fill. So I can just place the lines and then fill over. Or the other option if I can get the permit is to use a ground-water loop (place is lake front and has well water supply). So you just use ground water that goes back into the ground rather than installing the lines in the first place.

Unless you can get a real good deal on the install and contract/do some work yourself. The installers are just to high in price, which always struck me as annoying because I know what the geo-thermal units are worth themselves. So I really have a hard time figuring out where the extra 10K worth of cost comes from. (possibly permit and inspections costs?)
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