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Old 05-19-2009, 04:36 AM
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Kostas Kostas is offline
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Just wondering, I notice that it's a 90g tank you're selling that has over 200 pounds of live rock in it. Correct me if I'm wrong (I do suck at math) but I didn't think 200 pounds of live rock could fit into a 90g tank. Just curious if that's possible or not, I have seen 90g's with a little over a 100 pounds of LR in them and they looked fairly full so that is why I'm thinking 200 pounds would probably not fit.

Yes more then 200lbs of live rock could fit in a 90g
(for any interested buyers I would be more then happy to weight it for them at my place)

I know the rule of thumb is one pound per gallon, but I like the look of lots of live rock in my tank and I always view it as extra "filter media” as it helps improve the water quality.
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