Sump Baffles
Just wondering what your opinions are on baffles in the sump. I'm considering going baffleless as I've run systems with no microbubble problems before using sumps without baffles.
I have a 75 gallon for a sump now and am currently planning the sump and really unsure what to do with baffles or not. I've got lots of glass and can cut and silicone glass no problems but wondering if they're really necessary.
I have no idea what I'm going to be using for a skimmer or calcium reactor etc so I just don't want to limit myself do to size if I put a lot of baffles in the sump. Or if I ever upgrade my equipment I'd be limited to size of stuff if I have baffles in there.
Any thoughts/suggestions? Anybody run baffleless sumps?
Maybe ideas/pics of current set-ups to give me ideas and give me ideas of regrets you've had? Thanks a lot.