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Old 05-15-2009, 12:21 AM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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To clarify - I have 3 Indo CITES available (no of which I intend to use) - one for 30 pieces, one for 120 pieces one for 300 pieces (all approximate numbers, and yes one business license). A CITES permit includes the the number of pieces - you do not need 1000 CITES for a 1000 piece shipment. And hey a wholesaler "member" on this site refused my request for the CITES so I could re-export. The CITES contains the supplier information - which is a valuable piece of info worth of protecting.

Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
You have three business licences or CITES? If the latter, my old employer needed one for every piece collected, every time. said would apply for 300, and have half approved. just not sure i understand fully. sorry if i dont follow completely, but i guess i would like to understand as this is a major issue it seems. basically the issue... asking for proof and dealer refusing?
FYI your opinion may may carry less resonance with readers than they did earlier in the the day - remember when you told everyone you didn't sell the credit I gave you after the frag I shipped you died - well the comments you posted publicly do not support it...check the thread (hate saying this but it it true - specially after you expressed interest in a real nice frag).

You bet I am jealous and I will happily be the second to bring these in!!! And I have not failed until I give up - and I have no reason to give up yet. All signs point to be it being possible - I will bring this info with me to the FWS office if required.

Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
I agree..
I am wondering why this thread was created here on the vendor forums? I didnt think the vendor forums were meant for anything other than selling your wares. Why isnt this thread out on the main board?

Sorry dave, but IMO your coming across as jealous because someone was able to do something you couldnt.
I'm out.