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Old 05-14-2009, 09:46 PM
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I have NEVER directly imported corals into this country, as such I do not receive the documents. Read my post above - I asked for the documents for business purposes and they would not provide them!!!

Now if I did import from another country, well I would have the documents.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Yes Dave, I agree it's not a reasonable request to see these documents. However, I have a copy of a note where you asked for the same documents.
I'm really getting annoyed with this whole topic Dave, and these posts are getting old. Please just give it a rest.
People have asked - they have not received any info from the person who did the importing other than "trust me" Hence interest in the discussion remains as they search for information before making their next person. Read a lot - think for yourself right!

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
If someone wants a paper trail, ask the seller. In private. There has been enough arguing here about it, and it's now run past it's course.
No such system at all - you are taking the persons word for it.

What some people are after is just some proof that these were imported from the US in the last little while. We already know Steve Tyree does not expert himself to canada - and that is ok becuase we need to trust the person doing the selling. We all know they are mostly from indo at some point, however these particular pieces were re-exported from the US, so the importer should be able to say ya, we have the import permit from the US into Canada.

Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
Does anyone know, besides CITES if there any other system which can act to verify the legitity of stock? When Tyree releases a frag, does it come with a certificate or something specifying its authenticity? It seems a little silly to ever ask for something like this, just a whole lot of extra work. If the coral looks exactly like the LE Red Planet Acro. then would you not trust it too be, thats what the vendor rating forums are for right?
I'm out.