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Old 05-14-2009, 08:13 PM
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Default Funny thing about the LFS and the "relinquiesh the CITES" comment

Some may recognize the quote below from a thread earlier today.

Funny thing - I bough some corals off this guy about a year or so back (he sells corals out of BC). Interestingly - I specifically asked him for a copy of the CITES so I could apply for a re-export permit to the US. The answer was no.

Wonder why that was??? Apparently all vendors should just be willing to give these out...yet you would not. What a piece of work bringing this back up - seems as though your ethics have not changed at all.

For those reading, go ask your LFS for a copy of the CITES next time you buy a couple corals and see what they tell you.

Originally Posted by R.A.D. View Post
Well....I'm sure that for any potential business from me, you could somehow persuade your LFS to relinquiesh the CITES for me to veryify...otherwise how would I know? I am just basing my purchase on your honesty that the corals were imported legally.

Could I call DFO to visit your LFS so that they can verify the CITES authenticity before I make a purchase?

Could you kindly ask your LFS if this would be a possibility?

I'm out.