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Old 04-24-2009, 05:13 PM
Abbyreefer Abbyreefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: abbotsford, B.C
Posts: 134
Abbyreefer is on a distinguished road

lol.. no the sump isnt pvc I used it for my PVC piping its actually WELDON 765 or something like that. The rep at the plumbing store said it could also be used for acrylic. Before the sump goes underneath I was going to put it in the bathtub and fill it up for a few days to make sure its good I'll probably even do 1 more coat although I was pretty generous with my application for the 1st 2 coats I was more concerned about any toxins going back into the tank because it is on the inside of the sump where I applied it. Also by curing do you just mean drying ?
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