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Old 04-24-2009, 11:09 AM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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No no, still going to have a display. Will just need a new size with a different layout to be properly accomodated in the new home. I will likely take a month or so to design it and order it and just go with the trwo frag tanks, maybe a 150G rubbermaid trough and 120G until I design the new tank and find a spot for it.

And when I day smaller tank - I am thinking apx. 240G, but not a 6' tank. Will likely just stay with my best coloured and most uniusual pieces for a while...

Originally Posted by karazy View Post more display tank?? or are you setting up a bigger and badder one and keeping your corals in a different tank while you build it?
I'm out.