Rocketlilys Damsel in Zoanthidland
Full Tank Thread Here
Budget update:
$300.00 Budget Items
4 Coralife Mini Compact 50/50 lamps 20 watt each @ $15.99 each Total $63.96 (Wiring supplies from shop)
Aqueon 50w Heater $25.99
Aquatech 20-40 HOB filter $ 2.00 ("scored" a good deal - receipt can be provided)
Used Nano Powerhead $26.21
Total Equipment: $ 118.16
3 small zoanthids (under 15 heads) @ $5.00 each $ 15.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank)
9 med zoanthids (15 - 25 heads) @ $10.00 each $ 90.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank)
1 small (7 head) flourescant zoanthid $ 5.00 (purchased from a local reefer)
1 small Blue Clove $ 5.00 (fragged from 50 gal tank)
1 green mushroom rock $ 20.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank)
5 blue mushroom $ 25.00 (transferred from 50 gal tank)
1 Yellowtail Damselfish (Live Aquaria price) $ 4.99 (transferred from 50 gal tank)
1 Stocky Cerith Snail (Big Al's) $ 2.99
2 Narssarius Snails (Big Al's $1.99 each) $ 3.98
1 Cerith Snail (Big Al's) $ 1.99
1 Blue Legged Hermit Crab $ 1.99
1 Red Banded Turbo Crab $ 4.99
Total Livestock: $ 180.93
Total spent on budget items (equipment and livestock): $ 299.09
"Free" Items
10 gal display tank - $0.00 (Had it at home already)
Maple for stand and canopy - $55.86
Sand - Left over from 20 gal - free
Rocks - 2 large cooking in basement - free
Rocks - 2 small $10.00
Thermometer - $1.49
Mag Cleaner - Left over from 20 gal - free
Total spent on free items: $67.35
Empty Tank
October 15-2008
November 15-2008
December 15-2008
Jan 15-09
Fb 15-09
March 15-09
April 15-09
A few favorites: