Thread: Contest #2
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Old 04-15-2009, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
Ok, here are my thoughts. don't even start till fall first of all, its not about keeping a tank going during the summer, but rather lots of people who would probably compete would maybe like to have holidays and maybe move across the Provence before starting a new tank build.

I think size limitations should be on display tank only, other wise you have to add sumps, skimmers, refuge, ect.. If your going to build a tank make it big enough to want it.. say a 30 gal or less. I consider anything under 30 a nano personally.

It does need a budget, but something may not need to be included. I think the cost of the tanks, should be included personally. also plumbing parts, live rock, sand, corals (actual paid price, not a generic price) fish, lights, ect...

but if some one needs a chiller maybe not have that included in the budget. this is a environmental thing, I know in my old house I needed a chiller with just PC lights, because it was insulated like junk and the front room would heat up over 18 degrees on a warm summer evening, but if you have central air you wouldn't need it.

I would like to see a very long build time, say 6 months to put water in from the start. this will allow some one to take the time and build a stand with out rushing it, or even just to figure out what there going to build and how.

I found with the current contest the short build time went buy to fast, then there were a bunch of instant tanks. with not much progression after two months with water in them. I would rather see also a two or three month cycle period. after that who knows.

now I know all the impatient people are going to hate this, but I don't want to see a bunch of instant tanks for the sake of a contest, but would rather see well thought out additions to the hobby.

I like these ideas.

Maybe a list of 'exempt' equipment like chillers, heaters, or anything else that is as you said 'environmental'. I think that even the playing field but is still very fair.

I also agree about additions to the hobby instead of a bunch of temp tanks.
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