Thread: cleaner wrasse
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Old 04-12-2009, 06:42 AM
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TJSlayer TJSlayer is offline
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I would have to say all points are valid, and I wasn't questioning anyone per say all I was saying was that I have kep one succesfully all be it from an already successful tank, but it is doing quiet fine.

And I would also never outright seeks something that wasn't already in the Petstore so to speak....

There are many things in this hobby that are consider questionable and livestock is probably the biggest, but as long as we provide the best possible atmosphere and environment for our critters I think that is all that can be asked, but to each his own...

75G, 100 lbs LR, Inwatter Stingray LED's, 25 Gallon Sump, 24wt UV, hermits, Snails, pep, fire & cleaner shrimps, Blue Throat Trigger, Perc Clowns , Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty, Blue Regal tang, RBTA, Coral Banded Shrimp, Checkerboard Wrasse, Many Corals, Royal Tux Urchin
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