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Old 04-01-2009, 09:03 PM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
Posts: 952
BlueAbyss is on a distinguished road

I had a Senegal for a year. While he was in the care of a friend, he stopped eating and died mysteriously, the vet couldn't say what was wrong either... he was an incredible pet! Birds are amazing creatures!

That said, once I find a good home for the cat that is currently boarding in my apartment I'll be getting a pair of Pacific Parrotlets... I love the small parrots! I just don't feel I can trust a cat with birds, and the birds would likely be uncomfortable.

Beautiful lovebirds, and I guarantee that things will get loud... I had a single Senegal, and he was pretty loud just on his own! But rarely did it bother me, unless I stayed up late and then he woke up early in the morning. My fault, not his

And this is the first I've heard of someone owning a touraco. I've heard of them before, but never met anyone that had one. I looked at an African Starling in a store in Winnipeg, very cool looking bird... I think the larger non-parrot type birds are underestimated as interesting and rewarding pets.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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