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Old 03-26-2009, 12:39 AM
Bartman1818 Bartman1818 is offline
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Question New reef set up, some questions

Alright...I am day 4 into cycling my proposed reef tank.

The set up:

40 Gallon Glass Tank, No sump
1 Tunze Protein Skimmer
2 Koralia 2 power heads
1" Argonite Sand Bed
50 lbs Live Rock
1 Digital Thermometer
1 Shatterproof Submersible Heater 150 W
Complete Test Kit for dKH, PH, Phosphorous, Calcium, Ite's and Ate's, Ammonia, etc etc.

Current environment
Sg - 1.023 (will add more salt on next water replenish to get to 1.025)
dKH - 12
PH - 8.0
Calcium - 500 ppm
Nitrates - 20 ppm
Amm - 0.25 ppm
Nitrites - 1.0 ppm

1) Are these readings normal for day 4 of cycling
2) What inverts should I purchase as a clean up crew once I am cycled (please list species and quanity)
3) What Soft Corals should I be looking into (common species available and average pricing if you don't mind CAD)
4) How long is the average cycling period or is completely up to my tank?
5) What will I notice when the amm and ite's have dropped to zero, or will I just have to test daily, weekly.
6) How much does the average HO T-5 light go for in Canada and where is the best place to purchase.
7) Are the fans on these units loud at all, it will be in a bedroom and the skimmer is loud enough as is
8) When adding salt water to my tank to raise sg, how long should the salt/water be mixing before being added to the tank
9) Does the skimmer removing water/debris lower sg levels?
10) When I do the 50% water replacement to remove nitrate levels once I have cycled, will the sg level decrease if I just add RO water without salt? Will it dilute it or will I have to add more salt to the 50% replenish back to 1.025

Thank you for your time.
Adam Bartman
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