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Old 03-22-2009, 07:45 AM
foreverfortune foreverfortune is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default force spliting anemone

i've seen a few youtube vids of people fraging their anemone by simply snipping or cuting it with sissors or scalpel in half and even in quaters. as long as it includes part of the mouth and feet. but in all vids ive seen they had the whole anemone out of water.

my rbta has gotten so big i dont know what to do, about a foot when fully open. so this fragging thing popped up.
my question is can i just do a partial cut on the anemone while in the water and on rock, it may not be a complete cut because it is attached to my bottom rock and cant remove it. in hopes that it will complete the split on its own. maybe just make one cut from the mouth to its outer edge but would not be able to cut through to the foot because it is in a crack. wondering if this may work and force it to split?

Last edited by foreverfortune; 03-22-2009 at 07:49 AM.
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