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Old 03-21-2009, 12:09 AM
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Thanks TJ, I will always ask no matter what, since I DO CARE, and it is in the best interest to my tank and livestock.

Yes, I lost three angels to disease, I had two jumpers and my puffer ate three fish. Yes, I have made mistakes, and yes I have learned from them... Am I a better hobbyist, YES. Do I ask questions, YES. Do I care what you think of me, not really. I feel bad for any other newbie in this hobby that is watching this. Who would dare to ask a question out of care and responsibility for their livestock? I can take the heat so I don't really take it personally. I do it for my pets which I do love and know very well... each and every one of them.

Can any of you honestly say that you have not lost fish in this hobby, especially in the beginning? Think what you like to think about me, it does not matter in the end. It is easy to judge a person and point fingers from behind a computer screen. Do what you need to do to me, but perhaps have a decent answer to the question so I don't waste my time reading through all the flaming. So... does anyone have actual answers to a question, or just flaming?

Those whom have glass boxes should not throw rocks...

Originally Posted by TJSlayer View Post
Guys Calm down....

1) Yes they have prepaid fish that they think they will want so that no one else buys them - NOTHING worng with that AND they have not brought them home yet as they want to hopefully make sure the problem is rectified first.

2) I have counted dozens of posts from half of the people on here saying I know I should't of but.... or I think I made a mistake.... EVERYONE in this hobbies changes directions from time to time with what they think they want and MANY people try things that they "knew better" but decidied to try anyways.....

She was asking for help and suggestion not a stoning....

I don't personally know them, but I did see the setup pictures they created and they have invested a lot of time and money in their setup so I don't think they are cutting corners, and can respect them fully for putting a fish on hold while they decide. More people probably should do that as well.

Cudos for asking the question, and please don't be discourage from asking more.

I personally have struggled with adding fish once I started going as well....AND I have also added fish that were suppose to be good natured so to speak but they have turned out the exact opposite (and Vise versa) so the norm isn't always what happens.

As far as your angel is concerned it sounds like you have already convinced yourslef not to get it and I would probably stick with your gut, you can always change your mind down the road....

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