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Old 03-20-2009, 10:46 PM
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Why beat around the bush? Just tell me how you feel...

If I did not care about my animals I would not come here and ask the questions I am asking. I am asking the questions BEFORE something goes wrong for opinions and help. I buy aqua cultured corals or frags from other canreef people. I did not order this particular fish nor would I ever have a fish taken off the reef for my own desire.

As sad as it is, people can buy whatever they want whenever they want... I have learned some lessons the hard way, so I come here and ask people whom know better then I do. Of course there are so many opinions out there, it is hard to know what the right thing to do really is.

This fish has been at the store for two months, and can stay there as long as needed. I don't want it to come home, and I believe my husband has decided against it as well. However I would like to be sure on his behalf while he decides. It is only fair to him and the fish. How do you know the next home won't kill that fish?

Perhaps you should reread my post rather then skim through it to see that I am really concerned and do really care. You do not know me, my husband and our love for animals. I have rescued so many animals of all sorts in my lifetime and know they think and feel and hurt. I admit I have made mistakes in this hobby, but can you honestly say that you have not? How many fish have you lost over time?

Patience is a virtue and this fish has been paid for for two months now... My trigger is paid for but has not come home yet either. I do my home work now, and make sure things are right.

My water params are mint, and I check them daily. The only fish to get sick were the angels, that is it. I have gone to almost every LFS in the city one with a body for examination and diagnosis. I take this seriously.

You can be ****ed off at me all you want, but I do care. I care enough to ask here and face being bashed on a public forum for the benefit of my fish. I can take the heat and I will still continue to ask when I need questions answered. I do not consider my fish replaceable and take their losses hard.

I wonder how many people are afraid to ask the questions because of retaliation from members of this forum. I only dare to think. Thanks to all for the numerous PMs, I will answer them all shortly.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
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