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Old 03-20-2009, 07:35 PM
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Well we all know there is always a chance of these fish dying in this hobby, sometimes it just happens. He LOVES angels more then anything else. We won't have anymore tangs and he likes those too.

I have to be fair and make a case to make sure he is happy with his choice. I know the LFS will hold the fish as long as we need to but I want to make sure the bacteria is not in the system just in case he does want it. I feel he will decline on it, but I am just making sure he knows why. My hubby is the best and has worked hard to make this system happen. I want him to be happy too.

Originally Posted by karazy View Post
maybe try this:

Tell your husband that there's a chance of this amazing fish dying,
and the fish doesn't deserve to die just because you wanted him.
Then show him a crap load of non-angel fish that are beautiful on the computer and see if he finds something else.
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