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Old 03-12-2009, 01:29 AM
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TheMikey TheMikey is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 257
TheMikey is on a distinguished road

When I was really young my parents had a small 10G tank that we kept under the TV. When we moved to our new house when I was 5, it was relegated to the attic. For Christmas a few years later we gave my dad a 33g tank for Christmas and we just kept it as a a FO FW tank (which has been up and running for over 11 years now - through two wipes).

I've always had an interest in Saltwater fish over freshwater because of how very unique, colourful, and challenging they were. However, I never seriously considered diving into the hobby as everyone always told me that it would be too expensive, too time consuming and too difficult (only one of which was actually the case). So I held off on actually starting a tank because I always though you had to have a BIG saltwater tank to make it work. And as a student, this was unavailable due to costs and space constraints.

Then I found! And all of a sudden saltwater was viable! After eight months of research (mainly because I was in Europe and couldn't set up a tank overseas) I ran out and bought a used 15G tank and stand, brought it home, and got wet.

Initially it started out as a FOWLR setup but, after two weeks I figured that I wasn't quite spending enough money on my addiction and set up some more powerful lights and got into reefing!
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