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Old 03-09-2009, 03:18 PM
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Duffer2 Duffer2 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 74
Duffer2 is on a distinguished road

Shortly after I moved into my house I had some local law enforcement knock on my door and ask about the lights in the basement and my power bill(my fish room has 1 large basement window). I pointed to the large fish tank behind me, and they still didn't believe me. After a short tour of the house, they said they put a BOLD note on my file stating they had investigated a complaint and what they found. They told me after that the only reason they didn't come busting in the front door is because 'no actual large scale criminal would be so stupid as to not cover the windows or attempt to hide their operation'.

Nice guys, but when I answered the door, 2 of them had their guns out, but pointed down.
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