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Old 03-08-2009, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I can get you them through my dad who lives in Singapore. He has them over his tank for the past four years no problems. Actually they are wicked.

He can get them from Japan as he goes there for business every month or from Hong Kong. They are EXPENSIVE though.

For example, for his 400G, he has 20 of them! You need so many to light to a tank properly since they only over about a 1' square area max. Even less really. Some of the knock off spots will cover more area but them you loose the effect and they are pointless. The idea is to illuminate each area of the tank strategically to bring out the best in each grouping of coral.

It may take a while though and I would say on average its going to be double to light a tank with spots compared to a high end regular MH pendant.

I have some coming for me in May to be supplemental lighting for my tank.
With the japanese the point doesn't seem to be to "light the tank" but enhance certain parts.
Most Japanese tanks i've seen have regular t5 or halides for main lighting and the spotlights are weird combinations or color and kelvin ratings.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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