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Old 03-05-2009, 04:27 PM
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When I started this system my biggest worries were water quality which is always fantastic and ich... I knew nothing about flukes and had difficulty in finding answers to the deaths of my fish. I spoke to two stores and was told the deaths were consistent with cyanide poisoning. However that is a very serious allegation to make so I researched and asked further questions about it. Now I have my answers. In many ways cyanide would have been easier to deal with since that would not be my fault and the problem would be solved...

Now I have a small disaster brewing but I'll get through it. Now I know about this parasite and wish I knew about it before.

When I am ready for new fish which is not happening for a VERY long time, I will medicate for flukes in the bag and while I acclimate them. I think I will stay away from angels although my dwarf angels are just fine. It seems my larger species angels have this parasite. Nobody else is ill or shows any signs of this menace.

I just need to know the life cycle of this parasite but what I have found it can be dormant for years. Now that it is in my tank it seems that I MUST treat the entire system or I will never be rid of it. I cannot remove all my rocks and coral to QT since they eggs can still be living on them at this point.

I think medicated food at this point for the entire tank is best and I will catch the sick fish and QT them... however if I put them back into the display they will get sick again... I really feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place right now.

See you in a couple of hours Kevin, I see the roads will be joyous for me to make the trip form Bragg...

As for the trap, I have no clue where the flukes came from... my bad for stocking the tank quickly. The store the dead angels came from heavily medicates the water to kill all disease so I really have my doubts they had it when they came home. I just don't know but I will be speaking with them tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums View Post
Quarantine tank is definitely the way to go. Medicating your display tank is like (chemotherapy) you kill everything off hoping that the beneficial bacteria regenerates faster than the parasite. We do have medication for flukes. We also have fish traps for sale as the trap we lend out to customers for free is out at the moment. *Maybe talk to the Stores you purchased your fish from to see if they might have a fish trap to lend you.* I can see from your strong efforts and determination you are on your way to creating a healthy environment for your finned friends.

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