Thread: Pet foods!
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Old 02-21-2009, 04:07 AM
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Diana Diana is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 550
Diana is on a distinguished road

I am always interested to hear people's experiences with dog foods...

My dogs were on kibble and Deli Fresh for years before we recently switched to raw foods. We tried many different brands of kibble, with our dogs loosing interest in any particular brand after a couple months. Deli Fresh is alright but it still has grains in it (I dont feel like grains are bad for dogs, but I dont think they can digest it fully, and I know they cannot digest cellulose).

My 4 year old girl has always had really bad skin allergies... and she always reacted to something in the winter. So we switched her right over to raw and she has been GREAT. Her skin is getting better and her coat just gleams, not to mention she is putting on weight and muscle which is great cus she has always been on the thin side.

My 2 year old boy has always put on weight easily, and will eat almost anything. Since raw he has thinned down to ideal weight and he seems to have calmed down.

I dont think kibble is entirely bad, but I have heard some horror stories about it, and after doing a lot of research on the BARF diet I really cant think of any reason not to do raw (except maybe the cost, but since we have small dogs it hasnt been that bad). Plus the dogs just LOVE it. Thier poops are smaller, breath better (depending on the meat), and no stinky farts! hehe.

They get beef, chicken, venison, elk, buffalo, eggs, lamb, duck... the possibilities are endless. Most of the meat comes from dog food stores, but I will buy ground beef and buffalo at the grocery store. I pulp some veggies to add a bit in and they will get a meal of cooked rice & egg once a week to give them a chance to "fast" and completely digest their stomach contents.

Sorry for writing so much but I am excited to share my good experiences with BARF diet.


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