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Old 02-12-2009, 08:40 PM
traco traco is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Mill Bay, B.C.
Posts: 70
traco is on a distinguished road
Unhappy I don't know how this happened?

So I innocently start up a 55 gallon saltwater after a couple of years off. Fish only with some live rock, low lighting (around 185 watts) cuz I figured "I'm getting only fish". Then it started to happen, got a sump and overflow, skimmer, then saw some zoas and rics and figured, "well, they should be okay if I place high up in the tank?". Then started to think that maybe I should move my 2 perculas and 40 lbs of live rock from my 55 to my 66 gallon (you know, more room, right?).

So here I stand at the moment, bewildered and wondering what hit me. lol Do I need more lighting for the zoas and rics? Can I move over the sand, fish and rock into the bigger tank without a spike happening? Are those 10 extra gallons and 2" in width going to make a difference?

Someone maybe should just smack me on the side of the head, kay? lol
Barb ~ traco
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