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Old 01-17-2009, 09:25 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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Honestly there was little discussion about these zoas at the LFS's this weekend- they sold almost instantly. I think they are simply from a new geographic Region rather than "Deepwater" (if anyone actually kows what this means). That being said, I would wager they will do just as well any any other zoaanthid. Could be more challenging like the aussie zoas, but only time will tell.

I will be fragging these (and others) in the next few days. Once they heal and hopefully start to grow, then, and only then will they be for sale.

Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
Nice pick ups. I saw pictures of those on RR's thread. Ive never had deepwater zoas, in fact Ive never known anyone that has kept these. Are they new to the aquarium trade? And any idea how they do in captivity?

Kinda curious how they do under MH light. If they do well after fragging I see a few I prolly cant live without.
I'm out.