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Old 01-16-2009, 04:32 AM
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superduperwesman superduperwesman is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Calgary
Posts: 850
superduperwesman is on a distinguished road

I came home to a small rock slide today so things are not in the best of shape but here is my Jan 15th FTS:

It's a terrible picture considering I just got a new Nikon D90 ahah but I'm pretty busy these days so this one will have to do

As you can see I've lost the one orange plate coral (I think it was likely a water change that dropped the tank 5 degrees instantly that put it over the edge) and the Anthelia Frag. The finger leather also seems to not like his home as it's been shriveled the entire time I've had it and small pieces break off from time to time and float around.

I'm not sure where the clown and the cow are in this pic but they're in there.

As you can see I'm stacking up the one side to make room for a few to friends in the future

Last edited by superduperwesman; 01-16-2009 at 04:48 AM.
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